Dell SupportAssist Driver - Local Privilege Escalation Reversing and Analysis
In Summary : This post details a local privilege escalation (LPE) vulnerability I found in Dell’s SupportAssist[0] tool. The bug is in a k...
In Summary :
This post details a local privilege escalation (LPE) vulnerability I found in Dell’s SupportAssist[0] tool. The bug is in a kernel driver loaded by the tool, and is pretty similar to bugs found by ReWolf in ntiolib.sys/winio.sys[1], and those found by others in ASMMAP/ASMMAP64[2]. These bugs are pretty interesting because they can be used to bypass driver signature enforcement (DSE) ad infinitum, or at least until they’re no longer compatible with newer operating systems. Dell’s SupportAssist is, according to the site, “(..) now preinstalled on most of all new Dell devices running Windows operating system (..)”. It’s primary purpose is to troubleshoot issues and provide support capabilities both to the user and to Dell. There’s quite a lot of functionality in this software itself, which I spent quite a bit of time reversing and may blog about at a later date. [...]
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This post details a local privilege escalation (LPE) vulnerability I found in Dell’s SupportAssist[0] tool. The bug is in a kernel driver loaded by the tool, and is pretty similar to bugs found by ReWolf in ntiolib.sys/winio.sys[1], and those found by others in ASMMAP/ASMMAP64[2]. These bugs are pretty interesting because they can be used to bypass driver signature enforcement (DSE) ad infinitum, or at least until they’re no longer compatible with newer operating systems. Dell’s SupportAssist is, according to the site, “(..) now preinstalled on most of all new Dell devices running Windows operating system (..)”. It’s primary purpose is to troubleshoot issues and provide support capabilities both to the user and to Dell. There’s quite a lot of functionality in this software itself, which I spent quite a bit of time reversing and may blog about at a later date. [...]
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