Fake Malwarebytes helpline scammer caught in the act
In Summary : An estimated one in every 10 American adults lost money in a cyber scam in the past 12 months, according to a report release...
In Summary :
An estimated one in every 10 American adults lost money in a cyber scam in the past 12 months, according to a report released by the FTC earlier in the month. On average, each scam victim lost $430, totaling about $9.5 billion overall. To put this in perspective, that’s over 22 million Americans scammed for $26 million a day, more than $1 million an hour, $18,000 per second. No one is immune, and now more than ever there is a need to be vigilant. Being taken by a scam can ruin lives or damage the reputation of legitimate companies. No one is excluded—not Amazon, Dell, Malwarebytes, or you. [...]
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An estimated one in every 10 American adults lost money in a cyber scam in the past 12 months, according to a report released by the FTC earlier in the month. On average, each scam victim lost $430, totaling about $9.5 billion overall. To put this in perspective, that’s over 22 million Americans scammed for $26 million a day, more than $1 million an hour, $18,000 per second. No one is immune, and now more than ever there is a need to be vigilant. Being taken by a scam can ruin lives or damage the reputation of legitimate companies. No one is excluded—not Amazon, Dell, Malwarebytes, or you. [...]
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