Mindshare: Walking the Windows Kernel with IDA Python
In Summary : When I attend security conferences, I enjoy talking to people about how they augment their own reverse engineering efforts. I...
In Summary :
When I attend security conferences, I enjoy talking to people about how they augment their own reverse engineering efforts. It is always beneficial to find out how others automate tedious tasks. One thing that often surprises me is that many people using IDA don't use the included APIs to augment their efforts. To try and change that, I'm going to start sharing some of my code and demonstrate some of the things you can accomplish with IDA and Python. [...]
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When I attend security conferences, I enjoy talking to people about how they augment their own reverse engineering efforts. It is always beneficial to find out how others automate tedious tasks. One thing that often surprises me is that many people using IDA don't use the included APIs to augment their efforts. To try and change that, I'm going to start sharing some of my code and demonstrate some of the things you can accomplish with IDA and Python. [...]
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