Nintendo says Switch won’t get Virtual Console classic game downloads
In Summary : That doesn't mean individual downloads for games from older consoles will be completely absent from the Switch, of course...
In Summary :
That doesn't mean individual downloads for games from older consoles will be completely absent from the Switch, of course. Nintendo already offers up arcade games like Punch-Out!! and Vs. Super Mario Bros. as part of the Switch's Arcade Archives series. Hamster has similarly released ports of a variety of Neo Geo classics on the system, and Sega has plans to do the same for many of its older titles. [...]
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That doesn't mean individual downloads for games from older consoles will be completely absent from the Switch, of course. Nintendo already offers up arcade games like Punch-Out!! and Vs. Super Mario Bros. as part of the Switch's Arcade Archives series. Hamster has similarly released ports of a variety of Neo Geo classics on the system, and Sega has plans to do the same for many of its older titles. [...]
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