NSA Collected 534 Million Records of Phone Calls and Text Messages of Americans
In Summary : An official Report released by U.S. Intelligence agency revealed that Spy agency NSA Collected around 534 Million Records of ...
In Summary :
An official Report released by U.S. Intelligence agency revealed that Spy agency NSA Collected around 534 Million Records of Phone Calls and Text Messages of U.S Citizens. This list of data has been collected 2017 alone which is very less than billions of records collected per day by NSA’s old bulk surveillance system on 2013 which [...]
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An official Report released by U.S. Intelligence agency revealed that Spy agency NSA Collected around 534 Million Records of Phone Calls and Text Messages of U.S Citizens. This list of data has been collected 2017 alone which is very less than billions of records collected per day by NSA’s old bulk surveillance system on 2013 which [...]
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