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In Summary : I recall a service once where I could type in a phone number and see what others are saying of it, can't seem to relocate...

I recall a service once where I could type in a phone number and see what others are saying of it, can't seem to relocate such a service, just a bunch of similar ones.I just am concerned about the Paypal number 888 221 1161, and not certain if it is legitimate. I was on hold with them for 15 minutes, then got through to what sounded like an off-shore rep. She asked for my first and last name and I said it and based on that alone she said I did have an account. But at one point she asked for the last four of my SSN. Here's the thing. I do have a Paypal account I haven't logged into for YEARS, but I occasionally get emails from "" about transactions I did not make. Well when I asked this rep what to do about those emails she said send them to "" Another red flag (pretty sure the correct one is, which is where I did forward their emails). Just constant red flags, seemed like phishing. But even Paypal's site themselves say that is a legitimate number and I don't exactly know the logistics of forwarding an 888 number like that. I know they're easy to spoof, but forwarding it seems impossible.So another question I have other than my title question for any who may know, given that I am basically permanently locked out of my paypal account, when I signed up for it, did I have to provide the last 4 of my SSN? Just seems odd she'd ask for that. She also asked me for my bank account number associated with the Paypal account. I was uncomfortable and didn't provide it to her. But the thing is, as a fraud investigator myself, I know it is standard practice to ask people for PII as forms of verification before discussing account information or performing account maintenance, that's like fraud 101.I'm just trying to imagine the angle of this scam if it is one, it's missing the part where they in any way try to appeal to my emotions. The phone number provided is the one that pops up on paypal's official website.And the situation is only further complicated by the fact that I cannot answer my security questions to reset my paypal password, and remembering either the password or answers to those questions isn't going to happen as I abandoned the account without deleting it many years ago before I became an investigator myself and well... realized how stupid that is but that was the main reason I was calling to begin with was to try to get assistance logging back into my account, but the way the rep kept asking for my PII was sketching me out. As part of my job I have listened to hundreds of call center recordings with fraud departments, half and half off-shore, and that rep seemed a little too eager after I provided her my name, last four of SSN, and email address. So I didn't provide any more information. I then went into a line of questioning where I asked when they changed it from spoof to review (for suspicious email forwarding) and she said they updated it. I asked when, she stumbled and said it's new, I said how new because I DuckDuckGo'd it and wasn't seeing anything. She stumbled again saying it was this week. I said I felt uncomfortable forwarding there, she asked to place me on hold, got back a bit later and said it's actually been updated for years but the spoof one is currently down for maintenance. I said okay and disconnected.So thoughts? Seems phishy, right? Or am I just being paranoid being an investigator myself? I literally see this kind of thing 60+ hours a week in my career so sometimes I feel so desensitized to it, but I try to remain vigilant. If it wasn't a scam then she was just a new/horrible rep. [...]
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