In Pursuit of Cryptography's Holy Grail

In Summary : For the last 40 years, the world has been chasing the holy grail of cryptography — practical homomorphic encryption. Indian...

In Summary :

For the last 40 years, the world has been chasing the holy grail of cryptography — practical homomorphic encryption. Indiana Jones for math dorks? Hardly. If encryption is a vault protecting your sensitive data, traditional practice requires taking the data out of the vault every time it needs to be used or processed — when users perform a search, apply analytics, etc. This leaves the data exposed and vulnerable to a breach. Homomorphic encryption allows these critical actions to take place within the vault, eliminating the need for data exposure at any point. If we ignore the need to protect data while it's being processed (in use), it really doesn't matter how secure the data is on the way to the vault (in transit) or while stored in the vault (at rest): an attacker can simply patiently wait until the data is completely exposed during use to steal it. In the data security landscape, data in use has become the point of least resistance for an attacker. Homomorphic encryption can ensure this final piece of the data security puzzle is solved by eliminating the data-in-use security gap. [...]

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