TrueOS Doesn’t Want to Be ‘BSD for Desktop’ Anymore

In Summary : There are some really big changes on the horizon for TrueOS. Today, we will take a look at what is going on in the world of de...

In Summary :

There are some really big changes on the horizon for TrueOS. Today, we will take a look at what is going on in the world of desktop BSD.
The team behind TrueOS announced that they would be changing the focus of the project. Up until this point, TrueOS has made it easy to install BSD with a graphical user interface out of the box. However, it will now become “a cutting-edge operating system that keeps all of the stability that you know and love from ZFS (OpenZFS) and FreeBSD, and adds additional features to create a fresh, innovative operating system. Our goal is to create a core-centric operating system that is modular, functional, and perfect for do-it-yourselfers and advanced users alike.”
Essentially, TrueOs will become a downstream fork of FreeBSD.They will integrate newer software into the system, such as OpenRC and LibreSSL. They hope to stick to a 6-month release cycle. [...]

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