Timehop Data Breach – 21 Million Users Personal Data Stolen By Hackers
In Summary : 21 million users are affected With Timehop data breach, attackers steal personal information that includes names, email addre...
In Summary :
21 million users are affected With Timehop data breach, attackers steal personal information that includes names, email addresses, social media access tokens and phone numbers. Timehop is an app for smartphones that collects your old photos and posts from social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Dropbox photos and shows the best old moments of [...]
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21 million users are affected With Timehop data breach, attackers steal personal information that includes names, email addresses, social media access tokens and phone numbers. Timehop is an app for smartphones that collects your old photos and posts from social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Dropbox photos and shows the best old moments of [...]
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