Slides & presentation of "Unpacking the non-unpackable" (anti-static analytic new ELF packer) in R2CON2018
In Summary : It was a great pleasure to attend R2CON2018 , a congress of reverse engineering UNIX-like binary analysis tool radare2 that ...

It was a great pleasure to attend R2CON2018, a congress of reverse engineering UNIX-like binary analysis tool radare2 that I use a lot ; The CON is super awesome, I met super cool old+new friends too who are using radare2, also I met many young bright students who helps in radare2dev, and basically it was a very happy moment in the r2land ; I attended all of the slots of schedule except R2CTF and R2War, and I felt that time was not on my side. I was supposed to be in R2CN2016 which was my flight was cancelled due to typhoon, and in this year they cancelled my flight again but I am more determine to attend, so I re-routed my flight across Europe to make it to Barcelona.[...]
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