Another Change Proposed For Linux's Code of Conduct
In Summary : With the Linux 4.19-rc8 kernel release overnight, one change not to be found in this latest Linux 4.19 release candidate ar...

With the Linux 4.19-rc8 kernel release overnight, one change not to be found in this latest Linux 4.19 release candidate are any alterations to the new Code of Conduct. The latest proposal forbids discussing off-topic matters while protecting any sentient being in the universe.
While some immediate changes to the Linux kernel Code of Conduct have been talked about by upstream kernel developers, for 4.19-rc8 there are no changes yet. We'll presumably see some basic changes land this week ahead of Linux 4.19.0 expected next Sunday as not to have an unenforceable or flawed CoC found in a released kernel version.
Beyond the previous patches trying to clean up some of the language in the Code of Conduct, kernel developer Ivan Chavero of Red Hat sent out a new patch on Sunday.
That latest proposal drops the mention of "a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body-size, disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender identity and expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status, nationality,personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation." In place Ivan proposes, "our community an effective and enriching experience to any sentient being in the Universe." [...]
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