Gallmaker Hacking Group Attack Government, Military, and Defense Sectors Using Publicly Available Hacking Tools
In Summary : A new previously unknown hacking group appeared as Gallmaker attacking various public sectors such a government, military, a...
In Summary :
A new previously unknown hacking group appeared as Gallmaker attacking various public sectors such a government, military, and defense using custom malware. Attacker also using living off the land (LotL) tactics and publicly available hacking tools in order infiltrate the targeted network. The term living off the land indicates that the attackers increasingly making use of [...]
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A new previously unknown hacking group appeared as Gallmaker attacking various public sectors such a government, military, and defense using custom malware. Attacker also using living off the land (LotL) tactics and publicly available hacking tools in order infiltrate the targeted network. The term living off the land indicates that the attackers increasingly making use of [...]
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